What Is a Chakra?
It seems that right now, everyone is becoming more aware of things that were once considered weird, taboo or strictly ancient eastern philosophies. So I’m sure you’ve heard all about Chakras and know that there are 7 primary chakras. But what exactly are they?
The Hindu word for “chakra” means disc, vortex or wheel. Essentially chakras are discs of swirling energy located at seven areas of the torso and head that carry fresh energy into the body and transport stagnant energies out of the body. They serve more esoteric functions but also service the organs, muscles, ligaments, veins and other body parts that sit within their field.
Each chakra supports you through specific emotions, thoughts, behaviours and feelings as well as the physical support they give to your body. Just like brushing teeth, clearing the chakra energy regularly can help balance your body chemistry, improve your state of mind and strengthen your overall health.
The 7 Primary Chakras
Just like your circulatory system, your organs, your skin, the chakras work with and continually interact with the aura and meridians and the physical body. Each giving and receiving energy to one another. Just as in the physical body, your experiences can manifest as physical reaction (i.e. an ulcer may tell the story of a stressed out person), so too can the chakras tell the story of you because they store energetic imprints from your experiences. Each chakra embodies a specific theme and a slice of your personal story that is related to that theme gets encoded into that chakra.
Root Chakra | Muladhara | 1st Chakra
Located at the base of the spine, it is associated with the colour red and is the entry point of the earth’s energy. This chakra relates to earth energy and the qualities of grounding, stability and security.
When it is flowing it creates a good foundation, one in which we can feel safe and supported. When it is blocked we feel fear, unsupported, ungrounded, disconnected physically and scarcity.
Sacral Chakra | Svadhisthana | 2nd Chakra
Located in the lower abdomen, associated with the colour orange and the qualities of creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. This chakra relates to water element which gives it its flowing nature and reflects our ability to adjust to changes (go with the flow!).
When it is blocked a person could feel stuck - in a job, relationship, finances or with poor health. When it is flowing we feel pleasure, joy, spontaneity, flexibility and emotionally connected.
solar plexus Chakra | Manipura | 3rd Chakra
Located in the upper abdomen, associated with the colour yellow and the qualities of personal power, self-esteem, and willpower. This chakra relates to fire element and the warrior like qualities of being able to stand up for ourselves, value ourselves and participate more passionately on the journey of life.
An imbalanced solar plexus chakra seeks energy from others and manipulates situations in order to increase personal energy. When it is flowing we feel passionate, power, strength, energy, calm and responsibility. When it is blocked we feel indifference, we try to force things, we may feel weak or lethargic, we may erupt with anger and blame. Chronic conditions tend to stem from this chakra.
heart Chakra | Anahata | 4th Chakra
Located in the centre of the chest, associated with the colour green and the qualities of love, compassion, and forgiveness. This chakra connects to the body through the Thymus gland and feeds the heart, circulatory system and lungs with vital life force energy. The heart chakra is connected to the element of air and the qualities of love, acceptance, openness, and integrity.
The heart chakra supports our spiritual transformation from the ego of the solar plexus into the opening and expansion into love and being aware of the needs of others. When it is blocked one may experience mental & emotional symptoms of grief, regret, inner sadness, lack of self-love, cold & withdrawn or neediness.
throat Chakra | Vishuddha | 5th Chakra
Located in the throat, associated with the colour blue and the qualities of communication, self-expression, and authenticity. This chakra is the unique in that it encompasses and is the expression centre for all the other chakras.
Issues around the throat chakra can relate to a person not speaking their truth but telling people what they want to hear. A healthy throat chakra has good communication skills and is both creative and expressive. Physically, issues with the throat chakra may manifest as asthma, tonsillitis, thyroid conditions, tinnitus, neck pain and teeth grinding.
brow/third eye Chakra | Ajna | 6th Chakra
Located between the eyebrows, associated with the colour indigo and the qualities of intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. This chakra is about seeing beyond conditions and stories and seeing things as they really are and without attachment.
Energetically clearing the brow chakra opens the mind to conceive that good health is possible. A balanced brow chakra supports us in connecting with nature and natural experiences and brings us back to who we really are.
crown Chakra | Sahasrara | 7th Chakra
Located at the top of the head, associated with the colour violet or white and the qualities of spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and transcendence.
When it is flowing we are in unity, spiritual, wise and knowing. When it is blocked, we can exhibit confusion, and may tend to look outside of ourselves for guidance which can lead to being over-materialistic. Mentally & emotionally, a blocked crown chakra may manifest as apathy, spiritual addition or over-intellectualization. Physically you may see migraines, brain tumours, depression or dizziness/vertigo.