Unlocking the Power Within: The Solar Plexus Chakra - Your Conscious Warrior

The right to act and be an individual

Today, we delve into the realm of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the conscious warrior within us. This essential energy centre, known for its fiery disposition and located at the solar plexus, holds the key to our individuality and personal power.

The Essentials

  • Location: Solar Plexus

  • Color: Yellow

  • Basic Rights: To act and be an individual

The Solar Plexus Chakra, like a courageous warrior, is infused with the energy of fire. It empowers us to stand up for ourselves, embrace our self-worth, and engage wholeheartedly in life's journey. This is where we craft our unique identity, separate ourselves from external expectations, and cultivate the strength to uphold our convictions, all while respecting the diverse viewpoints of others.

Embracing Fire Energy

The secret to awakening your Solar Plexus Chakra lies in harmonizing with its fire energy. This dynamic energy has the remarkable ability to transform, break through patterns, and ignite the inner strength needed to pursue our goals and dreams. It's a fine balance of assertiveness and restraint, a blend of power and responsibility.

Unleashing Your Creativity

Sometimes, when the creative energy of the sacral chakra remains unexpressed, it's absorbed by the Solar Plexus, potentially manifesting as anger, rage, ulcers, or heartburn. The most significant hurdle for the Solar Plexus Chakra is our tendency to bottle up emotional stresses. Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety, making it vital to express ourselves.

Digesting Life

Functioning like a digestive system for both food and life experiences, the Solar Plexus Chakra is pivotal. An imbalance in this chakra might lead to seeking energy from others, manipulating situations, and, in turn, draining ourselves and those around us. To find equilibrium, we need to connect with the flow of vertical energy, granting us presence and expansion.

Balanced vs. Blocked Balanced

Solar Plexus Chakra characteristics include passion, strength, energy, calmness, fitness, and responsibility. On the other hand, when it's blocked, you may experience indifference, weakness, anger, lethargy, and blame.

Physical Associations

This chakra is associated with various physical aspects, such as the stomach, kidneys, pancreas, eyes, liver, blood, spleen, diaphragm, small intestine, gallbladder, lower thoracic spine, elbows, and knees.

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

Mental and emotional symptoms of an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra may include anger, anxiety, blame, and emotional immaturity.

Physical Symptoms

When this chakra is not in harmony, it can manifest in physical symptoms like allergies to food (indicative of power loss), eating disorders (reflecting internal struggle), chronic fatigue (due to overload), colitis (associated with worry), ulcers (linked to anger and blame), diabetes (indicative of emotional immaturity), liver problems (resulting from suppressed anger), eye problems (distorted inner perception), and elbow and knee problems (signifying stubbornness).

The Solar Plexus Chakra is a crucial piece in the intricate puzzle of our energetic well-being. Understanding and balancing it can help us tap into our inner warrior, empower our individuality, and foster a harmonious, passionate life. Stay tuned as we continue our journey through the fascinating world of chakras and energy healing.

Thanks to Michael D’Alton for the content inspiration!

Jody Goddard

My goal is to help people live the best version of themselves by addressing the unknown or hidden traumas that may be holding them back. Lover of nature, mother of children, and a student of many healing modalities.


Nurturing Your Inner Compass: Exploring the Heart Chakra


Embracing the Sacral Chakra: A Journey into Pleasure and Creativity