Balance and Bliss

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Energize Your Life with Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine

Discover powerful techniques to enhance your energy, focus, and overall well-being in just minutes a day!

The Daily Energy Routine (DER) is a simple yet powerful sequence of energy exercises developed by Donna Eden. It’s designed to harmonize your energy systems, clear blockages, and boost vitality. Best of all, it takes only about five minutes to complete, making it perfect for anyone looking to integrate quick, effective self-care into their day.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the techniques included in the Daily Energy Routine:

1. The Four Thumps

Purpose: Grounding, boosting energy, supporting metabolism, enhancing vitality, and strengthening the immune system.

Use your fingers or knuckles to tap the following points firmly while taking deep breaths:

  1. Grounding: Tap on your cheekbones with several fingers for two to three deep breaths.

  2. K-27: Place your fingers just below the corners of your collarbone, directly under your neck. Find the small indentations and rub or tap these points for two to three deep breaths.

  3. Thymus: Tap or press the thymus point at the center of your chest on your sternum for two to three deep breaths.

  4. Spleen: Tap or press the spleen points located about four inches below your armpits on the side of your torso for two to three deep breaths.

2. The Crossover Shoulder Pull

Purpose: Enhancing energy, coordination, and mental clarity.

  1. Place one hand on the opposite shoulder.

  2. Dig your fingers into the back of your shoulder, drag them over the top, and pull firmly across your body to the opposite hip.

  3. Repeat several times on each side.

3. The Cross Crawl

Purpose: Harmonizing energy, improving coordination, and enhancing mental clarity.

  1. Lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously, then lower them.

  2. Raise your left arm and right leg next.

  3. Continue this motion, exaggerating the lift of your arms and legs and swinging them across your body’s midline. This creates an exaggerated marching movement.

  4. Perform this for at least one minute while breathing deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.

4. The Wayne Cook Posture

Purpose: Clearing and focusing the mind, while gaining better perspective.

  1. Cross your left foot over your right knee. Hold your left ankle with your right hand and the sole of your left foot with your left hand.

  2. Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing the breath to lift your body as you gently pull your left foot toward you. Exhale slowly through your mouth, relaxing your body. Repeat 4–5 times.

  3. Switch to the other foot and repeat.

  4. Uncross your legs, bring your hands together with fingertips steepled, and rest your thumbs above the bridge of your nose.

  5. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth 4–5 times.

  6. On the last exhale, curl your fingers at the center of your forehead and gently pull outward to your temples, stretching the skin. Slowly bring your hands down in front of you and surrender to your natural breathing.

5. The Crown Pull

Purpose: Clearing mental congestion, easing headaches, sharpening memory, and opening the crown chakra to higher inspiration.

  1. Place your thumbs at your temples and rest your fingertips in the center of your forehead.

  2. Apply gentle pressure as you slowly pull your fingers apart, stretching the skin above your eyebrows.

  3. Move your fingers to your hairline and repeat the stretch.

  4. Continue this process at the top, center, and back of your head, working your way down to the base of your neck.

  5. When you reach your shoulders, press your fingers firmly into the muscles and hold.

  6. Finally, rest your crossed hands over your heart chakra, taking one deep, calming breath.

6. Connecting Heaven and Earth

Purpose: Opening energy pathways, promoting joint mobility, and grounding.

  1. Place your hands on your thighs with fingers spread.

  2. Inhale through your nose, circling your arms outward and upward over your head. Bring your hands together in a prayer position at your heart. Exhale through your mouth.

  3. Inhale again, stretching one arm upward and the other downward, pushing through your palms. Hold briefly, exhale, and return to prayer position. Switch arms and repeat.

  4. Repeat several times for each arm, emphasizing the stretch.

  5. To finish, drop your arms, fold forward at the waist, and relax with your knees slightly bent. Take two deep breaths before slowly rolling back up to standing.

  6. As you rise, make figure-8 motions with your arms, circling them over your head and out to your sides.

7. The Zip-Up

Purpose: Boosting confidence, clearing thoughts, and protecting against negative energy.

  1. Place one or both hands at the base of your central line (meridian), just above the pubic bone.

  2. Inhale deeply as you move your hands slowly up the centre of your body to your lower lip.

  3. Continue upward, lifting your hands exuberantly toward the sky.

  4. Repeat this process 2–3 times.

8. The Hook-Up

Purpose: Reducing anxiety, finding calm, and centering. This technique can also help with dizziness or feeling faint.

  1. Place the middle finger of one hand on your "third eye" (the area between your eyebrows).

  2. Place the middle finger of your other hand in your navel.

  3. Gently press both fingers into your skin and pull upward. Hold this position for 12–30 seconds (or longer if needed). You may notice a deep sigh or yawn, indicating that your energies are connecting.

9. The Celtic Weave

Purpose: Reinforcing the Celtic Weave energy system, strengthening your aura, and integrating your body’s energy systems.

The Celtic Weave energy system forms figure-8 crossovers throughout your aura, weaving all the other energy systems of the body together. This exercise helps weave your aura back into its natural, healthy state, making it more resilient and securely attached to your body.

It is particularly helpful:

  • When you feel you can’t claim your own space.

  • When you feel overly expansive or too contracted.

  • When you feel vulnerable to other people’s energies.

  • When your environment is throwing you off balance.

  • When you’re having difficulty communicating.

  1. Stand tall, hands on your thighs. Breathe deeply throughout this exercise, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  2. Rub your hands together, shake them off, and bring your palms close together to feel the energy between them. Rub and shake your hands again.

  3. Place your palms near your ears and take a deep breath.

  4. Inhale and bring your elbows together. Exhale, cross your arms, and swing them out to the side.

  5. Bend forward slightly and cross your arms, swinging them out in front of your waist.

  6. Bend further and cross your arms, swinging them out in front of your ankles.

  7. Bend your knees, turn your palms forward, and scoop up the energy.

  8. Stand tall and “pour” that energy all over your body.

Incorporate the Daily Energy Routine into Your Life

By practicing the Daily Energy Routine regularly, you can bring balance, clarity, and vitality into your life. Whether you’re starting your day, taking a midday break, or winding down, these simple yet effective exercises can help you feel energized, grounded, and ready to take on life’s challenges.

Commit to this routine for just a few minutes each day, and experience the transformation it can bring to your overall well-being!