Balance and Bliss

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Is an Epsom Salt Soak all it’s cracked up to be?

Have you ever been told by a massage therapist after a session to go home, drink lots of water and take an Epsom salt bath - it’ll help release the toxins out of your body. I hear it regularly (I cherish my monthly massage appointments ) so today I decided to dig a little further into why this is recommended.

What is Epsom Salt?

Although Epsom salt may look similar to table salt, it’s a completely different compound. Epsom salt is made of both magnesium and sulfate. It has been used by people since the 17th century. It was discovered in Epsom, England. And they were discovered by accident - residents were boiling the waters of a bitter saline spring. When the liquid evaporated, the residents were left with the first harvested mineral powder. A chemist by the name of Nehemiah Grew documented this discovery in 1695. He described them as “bitter purging salts,” referring to the laxative qualities of magnesium sulfate.

What does Magnesium Sulfate do for us?

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels. It aids in the production of energy and protein.

What is the benefit of an Epsom salt bath?

Although it has been questioned whether or not our body even absorbs the magnesium when we have a bath with it, science has shown that somehow our bodies do absorb the magnesium through the skin.

I think it’s safe to say that the main benefit of a warm Epsom salt bath is Stress reduction.Regardless of the benefits of the Epsom salt, a relaxing bath is so great for your mind and for relaxing your muscles. The added benefit of the magnesium helps further the stress reduction. In the case of “detoxifying” your body. The science is still out on that.

Final Thoughts…

So in the end is it as great as everyone says? I believe that it is. Although they epsom salt may not technically detox your body, having a nice quiet relaxing bath, where you can soak up some needed minerals through your skin, can only be an added bonus to your relaxation ritual. Helping your body, mind and soul.
